Sunday, December 13, 2009

Making Christmas Memories

We spent the afternoon at the Burnaby Heritage Museum with some friends. We just got our first snowfall this morning... so pretty!

She was not so brave once the carousel actually started.. they had to stop it for us!

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Today we took Isla to Metrotown to see Santa, just like we did a year ago when she was just tiny. It was so crazy to compare the pictures to see how much she's grown and changed. She did really well, as long as she wasn't looking directly at Santa... that was just too scary!! He looks kind of demented in the picture... not really sure what's going on there... he was actually very nice!

Oh, and I added a picture as well from this morning as this is such a typical morning for her... she loves her books... even when they are upside down! She loves sitting in 'big girl' chairs now, such a sweetie.
I'm trying to read here, mommy
Waiting in the line up to see Santa

That was a little scary, daddy